Alternating rows background - updating dynamically when hiding/showing rows with css only?

I have a table ".report" and it should have alternating background for its rows. The UI allows users to hide and show rows dynamically and I want the background of the rows to keep the pattern at all times. I implemented the solution whe

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how to genrate ssl certificate for nginx server domain

i have one IP address nginx in this ip i have 4 domain configure and among that one domain has already ssl certificate now i want to genrate ssl certificate for another domain and ip is in nginx server.

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Nginx running but not serving - using passenger

I'm trying to deploy a rails app, but i can't make it happen because nginx is not working properly. Basically i follow that enter link description here to setup my digitalocean droplet, install ruby, postgre and finally capistrano. Durin

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i couldnt redirecting my django app from int to string in the url

I'm having trouble with my Django URL patterns. The URL exercise4/1/ is not matching any of my defined patterns, even though I have a pattern defined for exercise4/int:month/. Can you help me figure out why it's not matching?" from djang

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How to give composer access to private github repo's, from a Dockerfile

What I want: I have a Github Action where I have a job to build an image for Docker. One of the steps in the dockerfile is composer install --no-scripts. This fails on the private repo's. I'd like to access them. What I currently have (s

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I can login Wifi With face?

Hello, I am a 4th year student. My English may not be very good. I may not be able to write properly. But I want to ask if we can login to wifi with face if using portal principle in WLC by storing face in external database. Can you guys

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Can't hear remote participant audio output on Samsung Galaxy A9+ tablet speakers using Chrome, Opera, or Edge running WebRTC voice call application

I use WebRTC for a voice call application running in the browser. In testing my app on a Samsung Galaxy Tab A9+ (SM-X210) on Android 14, I've observed that when using the Chrome, Edge, or Opera browsers I am unable to hear the remote par

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Best site to use and how to implement the following?

I am trying to work on a website for my school that incorportates the following (its a 3d printer thing) Video footage from the camera in the printer The name of the item being printed Estimated amount of time remaining We have ways to

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issue with ingress https & a dummy domain

I deployed my nodejs-mongodb app using kubernetes. I have deployments for nodejs app and mongodb and two services to access them. $ kubectl get deploy NAME READY UP-TO-DATE AVAILABLE AGE mongodb 1/1 1 1

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After installing pachyderm the pods are in ImagePullBackOff

I am trying to follow the Pachyderm installation with miniKube (although my goal is to actually do the example with OpenCV) I don't use brew, and I already had docker installed in my ubuntu machine I installed minikube with curl -LO http

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Combine Legends with Lines and Points

I can't seem to figure out how to combine these legends. Can anyone help? Here's a MWE data("iris") iris % mutate(smell = if_else(Species %in% "setosa","smells good", "does not smell good")) ggplot(iris, aes(x = Sepal.Length, y = Sepal.

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Deleting the data in the textedit when focusing on another object

I have this problem. I list the data in two different columns in the database in the combobox (CompanyName and CompanyCode). Then when I select the data from here, I print the CompanyName to cmbFirms, and I print the CompanyCode to txtFi

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R is not rendering to pdf tlmgr

i have a Rmarkdown document that contains a data frame and a plot in the same chunck. --- title: "Untitled" output: pdf_document date: "2024-04-23" --- ```{r setup, include=FALSE} knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE) library(dplyr, warn

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Excel Macro for Reading CSV as text

Workbooks.OpenText fileName:=readFile, DataType:=xlDelimited, Comma:=True when using this code for reading csv but date did not change as text . so how to solve that ? The problem is changing from '9月12日' to '2024/09/12'. I just w

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Count how many employees are active for any week and how many were term as well for that week if any

I have a bigquery table like this: Sample of the table I'm working with What I need to do is to be able to tell by each week(week starting Sunday) how many active employees are and how many left if any One thing to note is that both date

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Access 2010 delete change to where

I have an deletequery with several tables in Access 2010, when I go to put From in the delete it automatically changes to Where. It doesn't matter what you do, it changes automatically all the time Any idea? i dont know what to do thank

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MQTT multiple subscribers to one topic

I've recently started using the MQTT broker in AWS, where one device receives messages to control a wind turbine. Now, I wanted to expand this control by connecting a second device to the broker topic. However, I've noticed that when two

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Fetching data from monolithic application from cloud server

I need a proper efficient solution for the following situation. I have a scenario where I have one monolithic application hosted in a server and I need to use this application to process some data and get response. The application can pr

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XPATH img import

I'm new to this, I want to take a image from another site, but a blank page appears. The codes I used are below, how can I fix this problem?

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How to send a json file using a telegram bot?

I am getting this error when using sendDocument: GrammyError: Call to 'sendDocument' failed! (400: Bad Request: invalid file HTTP URL specified: Wrong port number specified in the URL) Code: const file = await fs.createReadStr

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